1. Please observe proper grammar and punctuation before sending a story or confession.
- Divide into paragraphs so it could be easily read.
- Make your entry short (not too short, but not too long) as much as possible, as readers tend to get bored with extra-long stories. Please exclude unimportant messages in your story.
- Entries written in all CAPSLOCK are not qualified.
- Please refrain from using too many emoticons.
- Avoid using 'txt msgs' and jejemon words. Words must be completed so that it can be easy to understand.
3. Entries must be original and not copied from somebody else. If you really wanted to share someone else's work, please give proper credit to the owner.
4. Kindly include your “name/alias” and “location” at the end of the paragraph. Use an alias if wanted to keep your identity private, or simply put “anonymous.”
- Example: --Mang Kanor, Quezon City
6. Please see to it that your entry is exceptional. Entry must be touching, sensible, informative, and entertaining to read. We will not accept entries that are “nonsense”, as much as possible we want our readers to learn something from your story.
7. To abide by Facebook Community Standards we do not allow profanity, hate speech, drugs, bullying and harassment, and other forms that are against Facebook Policies.
1. Only qualified entries will be posted on our page.
- Entries will be reviewed by admins first and only stories that have passed the screening will be posted. You will be notified once your entry has been posted.
- Hundreds of messages are being sent to us every day and we review it manually. It is a tough job for us as we lack manpower. There are only a few admins on the page and we are doing it for free, we also have our own personal life to attend to. So please bear with us and be patient, we are doing our best to post your entries as soon as we can.
- We do not guarantee the recency of the stories posted on the page. Some of which could be the latest when the admins are posting live. Some could be days late and might fall under scheduled posts.
Send your English Entries HERE!
Send your Tagalog entries HERE!
Disclaimer: Stories posted on this page do not necessarily reflect the page’s opinion and point of view.
Thank you, much love --OC