College. You followed me to the same campus of my choice, though you could have had a much better life somewhere else. We both had separate college lives, but I remained secure with the fact that you were just around, that I could still see you everyday. Even if you were with someone else.
I started working soon after college. Months, years, would go by without us talking to or seeing each other. I was still comforted by the fact that you were just a text away, and you would come running when I need you, even when you had a girlfriend. Because I came first. I would always come first.
It's been years since we last saw each other, even longer since we last talked to each other. But when I needed someone to talk to, you were there.
And when I heard your voice, all those silent years just faded away. It felt like we had always been talking to each other. The spark was still there. You still said the things I wanted to hear. You're still the most sensible person, despite the crazy sh*t you get yourself into. You still care. You're still you. And you're still with someone else.
What if I gave us a chance? What if I was brave enough to accept the love you offered me? What if I just told you outright all those years ago that I loved you?
"How could you still 'get' me, even after all these years?" I asked. "Because it's US," you said. But there was never really an US. All that's there is my ever-growing list of what-ifs.