Maybe the pain is so much and we can't even pinpoint where it is coming from. All we know is that we are hurting, our world is crumbling and our lives will be miserable without our supposedly better half. We must be with this person and nobody else.
We may even hang on for the sake of our kids. Swallowing our pride and chasing after so the family will be whole. Go as far as settling to share the affection with someone else and be the third party, all for the purpose of keeping the family intact.
Okay. Okay, let's do this. Come sit with me. We just hit rock bottom...The very bottom. We may consider throwing in the towel and end it right here. Right now. Yes, we will escape this world but is it better than being here? Believe it or not, no matter how ugly our world seems right now, it is still better to be here than not to exist. Come to think of it, we are at the bottom so the only way is up. It may not be easy but we can try, try, and try.
We are struggling on our way up and this pain where we can't place where keeps nicking our hearts. The more we ignore it, the more it hurts. Yes, that's right. Because if we intentionally ignore it, the more we get reminded of it. Let's focus on climbing up. Maybe concentrate on our studies or our work. Let's get pre-occupied. If we do this, we may still be hurting but we will not notice it as much.
If we stay in an abusive relationship or be the other in a relationship for the sake of the kids, we are not really saving the family or keeping things intact. The kids will see through and that is not what we want them to see in us. We will not want them to be in a relationship just like what we have now. The course to take is to accept reality and move forward with our lives. Take the kids and guide them to be as strong as us so that they may fend off abusive relationships in the future. Being a single parent with kids is a whole family better than being with our children in an abusive relationship. Out of self-respect, let's get out of the relationship. Let's save our children. Let's save ourselves.
With the help of our families, real friends and prayers we will make it through. Let us muster our courage and say enough is enough. Let us unbreak our hearts. For years we lived without this relationship, so if we walk out of it, we know we will live...And live fruitfully and happily.
'Mga Maikling Kwento Ng Buhay ni Matthew Allan'