This bartender from Koh Samui, Thailand discovered an astounding treasure that will change his life forever. His story circulated all over social media in the whole world. Many people even went to the beach in the hopes that they will discover the same treasure.
According to Boonyos Tala Upara, 44-year-old, he was walking on a beach to just relax and feel fresh air before he went back to his work. While roaming around the seashore, he saw a large piece of the waxy lump. He then took it back home as he was curious about the rock's appearance. A few months had passed and the man slowly forgotten about the mysterious rock. One day, when he and his friend met at his house, he then showed them the rock he discovered.
He was surprised when he found out that the "rock" is actually ambergis, an expensive calcified substance produced by whales. Ambergis is one of the most popular and sought-after substances that perfume makers looking to use it in their perfume. Luxury brands like Chanel in France use this substance to make the fragrance of their perfume last longer.
But ambergris comes with a hefty price tag because it is so hard to look for. The bigger it is, the price of it will become more expensive. The discovery of Tala weighed an astounding 22 lbs.
According to some experts, the ambergis may cost over $500,000. According to Tala, he already showed it to his friends and family. He is also willing to show it to the expert to confirm that it is really an ambergis.
When asked about what will he do to the money, he said that he will surely never have to work again with that huge amount of money. He even compared it to winning a lottery ticket and he is already looking forward to his retirement.
"The lump is large and golden with a waxy texture like melting candles. But it’s soft when I poke it, not like a candle. I tried burning some of it with a lighter, it changed into oil and then it went hard again. I have never seen anything like this before. This could be like a lucky lottery ticket for me. I want to sell it and retire.”